Sorry seems to be the hardrst word:-S yeah that is true but at the same time it is necessary. Sorry can't change reality but it can fix and make people you put down get calm forget the pain and foegive you. It is very important if you can accept your mistake, if you can apologise.... Because it will give you a chance to change your future, keep people who are valued for you closer. And saying sorry doesn't hurt your self-esteem. "Sorry" is having reverse effect....Only strong people can find strengh and say "i'm sorry i was wrong and i didn't want to hurt you....i want you to know that i regret how i hurt you.... Pls forgive me".Wish you never to do actions which will upset people you love and even people who you know or don't)) And never get upset by the others)) Just live your life filled with love,peace, happiness and smiles))
And one more thing....Say sorry if you really want to do so, if you really mean it....
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