Men are always called the sterner sex. Maybe it's true when we're talking about physical strength. But if we talk about the willpower and working ability, social duty, life’s calling, so women are the real sterner sex in the men’s world. Women give birth to children, overcoming the strong pains. Bring up their children. Engage in housework. As well as men women are educated, make a career and always prove that there is no profession where a woman can not be successful. Women conquer space, mountain tops and even the North Pole, serve in the army,become prominent scientists and politicians, athletes, musicians, writers etc.

It is very difficult to choose between such strong and successful women. But if I have to make a choice, here it is.

Muriel Ballestrazzi. I choose her for her prominent skills in linguistics (the ancient languages), and her brilliant career that broke the stereotypes. In November 2012 Muriel Ballestrazzi became the first woman in the history who led the Interpol. Is it fiction? No, it is reality.

2. Dilma Vana Rousseff. She is a really strong personality. She was arrested, tortured and beaten. She had a cancer. Nevertheless, she is fluent in three foreign languages​​, she brought up a daughter and graduated from university. And actually she became a politician, soon - the first female president in the history of Brazil. Incredible.

3. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi. I choose this woman for her discovery of HIV, which gave hope to millions of sick people. She and her former mentor Luc Antoine Montagnier were awarded the the Nobel Prize in medicine for their discovery of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as the cause of AIDS). Thanks to their discovery, today, after treatment, the patients can live without medication and symptoms of this terrible disease for a certain period of time. She is an outstanding scientist and a charming woman who is full of energy in her 66 years.

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