Good Day, Community!
Today I want ot talk about The Trade Zone.

Brett N. Stinberger emphasizes that trade is an activity in which the mental and psychological condition are directly related to the outcome. This view is quite common. And in the last century came two books called "area of ​​trade."

Book's authors emphasize the importance of focusing on the process of trade without unnecessary emotions. Both authors say came to the conclusion that the area of ​​trade - it's emotional and psychological state in which interconnected discipline and follow the trading plan.

Abraham Maslow concluded that successful people are in a state of "peak energy flow" more than any other and that is what gives them the opportunity to obtain higher performance. Only through self-realization and maybe find a "peak condition", which is so necessary in any field.

The uniqueness of successful people is that they are not only able to find this area of ​​trade, in which the results exceed expectations, but also learned to keep it regularly. Many scientists say that it is possible only in the case when a man loves what he does. A trader who is motivated by factors such as the need to prove the desire for fame, greed, the desire to get rich quick, less likely to reach the Zone, the trader, which attracts the markets themselves.

The best of luck!
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