I think the most worth celebrating day is the day on which Nicole was born!
It is because the existence of Nicole brings a lot of fun to the word.
I was born to make every single one around me happy and cheerful
I don’t mind to act like a clown or do any quirky action to make people laugh
My energy comes from countless raucous laughter waaaaahhhh !!!
I wanna make every 19 Jan as International Nicole’s Quirky Day!
The Purpose:
People nowadays are suffering great pressure from their studies, work or whatever it is
How long haven’t you laughed a hearty laugh?!
I would like everyone on the earth have at least one day out of 365 acting silly or crazy
How to do celebrate:
On International Nicole’s Quirky Day, there should be no school no work no pressure
People should stay with friends and family and having party!
During party, everyone should take turn demonstrating a quirky dance in order to make people burst out laughing
The audience (when it is not their turn) act as the judges and give funniness score to the performer.
You must do it as quirky, as creepy you can in order to get a higher score
The one whose dance gets the lowest score, he or she need to clear the toilets of the highest score dancer and have to hold the party next year as a kind of punishment!
Is it a good day that you can have party, fun, cheerful moment with friends and free toilet cleaner?
It is the demo video for the quirky dance. Seem I would never be the one who gonna clean the toilet, right?
Let’s purpose a toast to International Nicole’s Quirky Day! Peace!
It is because the existence of Nicole brings a lot of fun to the word.
I was born to make every single one around me happy and cheerful
I don’t mind to act like a clown or do any quirky action to make people laugh

My energy comes from countless raucous laughter waaaaahhhh !!!
I wanna make every 19 Jan as International Nicole’s Quirky Day!
The Purpose:
People nowadays are suffering great pressure from their studies, work or whatever it is
How long haven’t you laughed a hearty laugh?!
I would like everyone on the earth have at least one day out of 365 acting silly or crazy
How to do celebrate:
On International Nicole’s Quirky Day, there should be no school no work no pressure
People should stay with friends and family and having party!
During party, everyone should take turn demonstrating a quirky dance in order to make people burst out laughing
The audience (when it is not their turn) act as the judges and give funniness score to the performer.
You must do it as quirky, as creepy you can in order to get a higher score
The one whose dance gets the lowest score, he or she need to clear the toilets of the highest score dancer and have to hold the party next year as a kind of punishment!
Is it a good day that you can have party, fun, cheerful moment with friends and free toilet cleaner?

It is the demo video for the quirky dance. Seem I would never be the one who gonna clean the toilet, right?
Let’s purpose a toast to International Nicole’s Quirky Day! Peace!