Hello Friends,

I am happy to share my experience in the task of Gifts of love. For me it's the thought behind gift that matters most. My husband and me generally do not share gifts, because we believe it's the understanding and bonding between two people which matters for any strong relations. But when he goes out of country for his work he brings some goodies for me. Last year he took me on vacation to Mahabaleshwar, a day before my birthday, as it was last moment planning , I messed up things in packing and forgot some essential things my husband got angry with me over that and shouted loudly. He is very good by hurt but as he is short tempered so he gets angry over a little things and because of that most of the time whole idea of family goes in vain. I was continuously thinking during travelling rather than going on holiday it's better to stay at home and take rest. Though Mahabaleshwar is a most visited holiday destination in India and very beautiful place to visit with family and friends. All day went in hectic travelling in the evening we went to hotel room, we finished dinner and was just sitting around watching television. It was about 11.30 pm of night , service staff of hotel came and delivered some stuff . I wasn't having idea about it.... I was thinking to go to bed and sleep. As the clock rang a bell of 12. My husband opened a cake and we celebrated my birthday with cake cutting.

I have simple picture of that moment which I am sharing with you all.

Next day we went on to visit some places around the Mahabaleshwar, but I wasn't that much happy at all. As I went through so much shouting over little things. But while returning back when I got tired and wanted to take rest but my kid was just troubling me as she wanted to play on back sit of car.
My husband noticed that I am drowsy and tired so he take kid with him on front sit where he is sitting and just said you take rest. That single thought mattered me most rather than a birthday celebration at a beautiful place.

On the other hand I still cherishes a beautiful memories of my college days, when my friend's gave me small gits to me with surprises. On my 19th birthday I have got a lifetime memorable surprise from my friends.

It was a time when we have just begun our college journey and I have made 4 close friends. Our streams were different. I was graduating from maths division and all my friends were in chemistry divisions. So I thought nobody remembers my birthday. But as we finished our lectures they took me to one of my friend's home and there we had a cake cutting. It was a handmade cake without any garnishing and simply made of egg and wheat flour, but I was so happy and mesmerized by the gesture, in the happiness I cut the cake with holding knife to opposite of edge. And friends asked me to correct the position of knife. I cherishes those moment even at this phase of my life. I don't have picture of that time to share with you all because none of us had a mobile phone with cameras at that time. But memories are alive in my mind. As my friends have just thought of giving surprise to me with pure thought of making me happy.

But even during writing this piece of article when I am recalling that moment I am feeling very happy and for my entire life I will be happy remembering that moment. So when I compare the two events birthday celebration of college time is much more better that a gift of vacation given to me, by my husband. And even this birthday would have become memorable given my husband thought of making me feel special only for one day instead of planning expensive vacation and stay at hotel.

Everybody has got different expectations in their life but for me it's a intention and thought behind a gift that matters most. Give a simple or cheap thing but if you present it with whole of your heart your feelings will definitely reach to desired person. And if you are giving expensive thing but you are not happy while giving to other person it will be useless thing for that person as well.

There is a very good saying only do thing which you can do happily and certainly it will make other person happy. Don't do anything just for the sake of doing and don't give gifts for the sake of giving.
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