Time spend on the social media

I have not written much about benefits of spending less time on the social networks. This time, I will explain my rationale and knowledge that I obtained through various experiences and findings. Once Mark Twain said, “Astonishing things can be done with the human memory if you will devote it faithfully to one particular line of business”. The recent study report on the social media usage, reveals that average person spends 7 years on TV and 5 years on social media in their lifetime, which already steal 12 active years.

It also consumes almost equal energy and effort to spend time on social networks or concentrating on particular business or job to be done. If we concentrate our attention and energy towards one particular job or a thing one at a time then it has similarity with laser effects of quantum physics (Lasers work by virtue of an amazing phenomenon known as a stimulated emission of photons, which are packets of energy that behave as both waves and particles. Albert Einstein discovered stimulated emission in 1916). If we distracted with too many items, social networks demand us to be dispersed doing multiple things and maintaining multiple relationships.

The application to our daily life is like:

Laser focus = Concentration of attention and spending time on what’s important and relevant to one’s chosen purpose in an organized way.

Someday, when I get time, or while I am relaxing I will do these never works and leads to procrastination. So the core message, I would like to give is that we control our lives by organizing our daily activities in a smart yet simple way by doing with laser focus (having fewer interruptions) and same time enjoying and relaxing which leads to efficiencies and successes having better results.
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