Dreams...from childhood to adolescence they are changing quite fast in your mind, but there is a moment in your life when you saying stop to majority and choosing from 2 to 5 the most valued for you.

Some people concenrated to have something material, some people want something immaterial. So aproach in reaching the goal is different:

1) or you working on something that is out

2) or you are working on something what is in you

By getting older year by year I've noticed that being in peace and harmony with myself and other people I want much more than to have smth material. Hm..are a dream and a wish the same things? I guess they have something in common but it is quite hard to uncover. I would say that a dream is a long term wish, more planned and strongly settled in your head.

I would classify several things I would need to make a dream come true:

1. Belief. You need to believe that you will get it, you need to imagine pictures in your head that you already have your dream come true, how happy you are, how proud you are, to feel all the emotions already now and everyday until it happens. I believe that your thoughts are materializing. I experienced it and I can say for sure: 'Your past, present and future are connected. Your mind is pure connection between this triangle'

2. Support. As everyone I have dreams and Im ready to follow the plan to reach it. The only thing I would never sacrifice for a dream is my family. When you a going to a goal you vitally need people who will support you and say 'You can do it'. I could compare it to wars in history, there were moments when people won with the only idea to win even being in minority. So you need a team, you need power and to be strong to go until the end.

3. Patience. I think it happened almost with everyone - you feel that there is no end and what you were doing lately is worthless and wont bring you to result. But sometimes 1 minute, hour or day is vital. Dont give up!

For me these are crucial things I would take with me on a way to my dream come true.

What about me - in career I would like to be useful and to bring something new to the fashion industry where Id like to work (my dream is to become a bueyr); in social life Id like to help people and to see that I brought something good to them; in private life id like to be harmony with my relatives and that there is harmony between them (sometimes it is not easy) and inside of me Id like to overcome my humbleness and low selfesteem cause in some moments they are really breaking everything what i ve planned.

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