It all started once upon a Halloween Night, under the dark sky night, there was a pretty girl who was answering a question in Dukascopy 911...
Okay, this is already a very scary story! Why: a) I don't know what Dukascopy 911 is; b) I do know that I haven't answered any questions there, because, well, a). While this realization was dawning upon me, I felt my heart skip a beat and the alarms in my brain go off! What if answering (in my case - not answering) all those mysterious questions affects the balance of good&evil in the universe? What if Dukascopy 911 is a fabulous secret society and I am the only one who's not in it? Wait, what was that? ... It's approaching! ... Run! ... Too late! ... It's here... The fear of missing out! No, the horror of missing out! OMG! I have failed all of humanity! Thus, I will accept my punishment! Tomorrow I will become an outcast... and will wander the world searching for questions to answer and I will never... My internal pity party was interrupted by the sound of a chiming clock... What time is it by the way? Midnight? Time for a midnight snack then! Come on, don't you think I deserve one last home-cooked meal before lifetime in exile? I desperately need energy for my upcoming eternal travels...
...yes, I went to the fridge. But the very second I opened its door, the whole house went dark and the only source of light was my refrigerator... I didn't really care why the fridge light was on with no electricity in the building for I had a more pressing matter at hand - my fridge was empty! There was nothing in it! All right, that might not be entirely true, there was one thing in it - a carved jack-o'-lantern pumpkin! And you know what the carving said - 'too many calories'! Obviously, I can't eat it now... Suddenly the fridge light started flickering and went out moments later. The last thing I saw was my breath turning into a cloud of frozen vapor... How come I didn't notice this cold before? The air feels icy, my skin feels icy... I must warm myself up and I must hurry!
Making my way through pitch black darkness was not easy, yet I got there! Once in my closet, I grabbed the first thing I could reach and tried to put it on... it did not fit... I grabbed something else... wasn't able to squeeze into it either... My clothes are too small for me... it means... the ultimate worst has happened - I am too fat! ...and too sad! ...and still extremely cold! I wrapped myself in a blanket. The blanket fit me perfectly! Maybe I'll just wear blankets from now on. If only there were pockets... for the phone and... Where is my phone? I must have left it in the kitchen... As I turned to go back there, I tripped over something on the floor (could be a slipper, but also could be a giant spider... most probably, however, it was the blanket itself...) and fell on the bed...
Next morning I woke up entangled in my blanket. My phone was peacefully charging on the nightstand. My closet was in impeccable order. All my clothes fit me just right. The air temperature was delightfully pleasant. The lights worked as usual. My groceries were back in the fridge (except for that terrifying pumpkin, of course). I figured last night was all a dream. Everything is fine.
I opened a window and all of a sudden a piece of paper flew in from the outside straight into my hands. It was an invitation to the Haunted Halloween Hotel party with a picture of a carved pumpkin... and the carving said 'Face your deepest fears!'... Am I still sleeping?

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