At least once in your life you must have read a book that seemed useless, useless. Just wasting my time! But is there a book in the world that does not teach anything at all? The answer is no. And that's why.

If you take a good look, every book has a benefit. Only not always it is immediately visible. We suggest you to understand this question. And then you already make your choice - books or movies (although, in truth, one does not interfere with one another).

1. Books expand the horizon
Each book adds a grain of knowledge to your collection - on occasion you will have something to surprise the girl with. For example, in any detective a couple of pages are devoted to describing the place of action that any city on the Earth can be - and, going into the pursuit of the criminal, you will learn how the streets of New York look and what the inhabitants of Sicily eat.

2. Books can save lives
Who knows what situation you will get into tomorrow and what unexpectedly you will remember from the reading. Suddenly, what you read a long time ago in a boring book, you need in an emergency situation? The modern world is unstable: accidents, terrorist attacks, riots. It happens every and on vacation: you can get lost in the woods, and then you remember how to get to the track.

3. You become a generator of ideas
It is impossible to constantly take ideas from the air (read: their own experience), and yet they are necessary for work and life. There are many things in the world that you do not even suspect. Michael Mikalko, world expert on creativity, advises to think up something new on the basis of two absolutely incompatible thoughts. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to generate fresh ideas.

4. Books teach people better understand others
Books reveal the relationships of people. Unlike films, they give the opportunity to "penetrate the head" of another person, to follow his thought, and therefore to understand the motives for behavior. And you can understand yourself better. Knowledge can be applied in life: to learn to "read" people and to guess what is hidden behind their actions.

5. Read about what you did not encounter in life
To stuff cones is noble, but ungrateful. It is not necessary to check your head for strength. Reading books, you will learn from someone else's experience: how to behave in this or that situation, what to say, how to get out of an awkward situation - books have recipes for all occasions. You will avoid mistakes that could be made. In this sense, even a seedy detective may be the most useful book in the world.

6. Books - weapons of the pick-up artist
If you read often, you will receive a whole collection of facts from different spheres of life. For example, you will know whether it is possible to see the dawn in space, what kind of advertising happens, what the civil war in Spain has led to, why a camel has a tail, or how to assemble a radio from a tape recorder. On occasion, you can flash erudition, which will not be superfluous in the company of charming girls. Witty remarks and amazing stories told by you, will direct the conversation in the right direction. In addition, it will be simply pleasant to communicate with you and will never be bored.

7. Books enrich the vocabulary
In the age of the Internet we write a lot: in social networks, at work, we make presentations. Colleagues, friends and girlfriends began to pay attention to how you write. So, you have to watch this. There is good news: you do not have to do it yourself - books develop their own written language and make the vocabulary richer. Even without noticing, you remember where the commas are put and how the words are written correctly. A person who reads a lot does not write illiterately: "I like" in the comments he does not say.

8. Improving speed reading skills
Of course, you will not read one book a day. But due to the fact that you will always find the same words, you will begin to recognize them. So, read much faster. The speed of reading, albeit a little, but will increase.

9. Books develop memory
To begin with, books basically activate the brain. A direct consequence is that the memory improves: one day you will realize that you remember a lot more and no longer need a diary and reminders on a smartphone. Reading is mental training: by loading the brain with information, you force it to form new neural connections to preserve knowledge. By the way, in old age you are unlikely to be threatened with memory loss (well, or, at least, much less than those who do not read and a couple of pages a day).

10. Books help to distract
Reading is something that never bothers you: novels, essays, poems, philosophical treatises and other things written so much that in your whole life you can not reread! You can always choose something new. For a good book, the evening will pass unnoticed: so if today you do not have a training session or meeting with friends, the book will necessarily brighten up leisure. And it's economical: access to electronic libraries is worth a penny.

11. You solve problems more easily
The way out of the situation can be found, having already learned from someone's experience. It's not at all necessary to get yourself into the alterations yourself, in order to know how to get out of them. It is quite possible to rely on the model of the behavior of the characters of the recently read book. So to find love or reconcile with parents with the help of the book is quite real.

12. Reading reduces stress
Science has proved: only 6 minutes of reading a day reduces the level of stress by 65%. More read - less nervous, less reading - more nervous. Very simple arithmetic. Some scientists believe that science fiction helps in this matter best. Although, of course, it is worth experimenting and finding your favorite genre. It is possible that you are reassured by memoirs or fables.

13. Reading improves brain activity
When you read, the brain is enthusiastically incorporated into the work. And it works all the time: reading - the zone of the left hemisphere, but the right also participates - how else would those amazing pictures that draw imagination be created. It turns out that reading is an exercise to activate the brain. And it is also proved that reading increases IQ. Yes, you will not be Einstein any more (although if you read books on physics, everything can be), but you'll start to think better - that's for sure.

14. Books make you a good person
Do not rush your eyes. We live in a world where sooner or later we have to choose between good and evil. Empathy, tolerance, patience - all this you will learn from books, which will make you more pleasant, kind person. When you live the life of the heroes of the book, you begin to understand something in yourself.

15. The book is food for thought.
Each book contains many thoughts. Yes, maybe not all of them are new and original. And yet there is something to think about. The authors touch upon universal values ​​and moral issues. Who knows what will be revealed to you.
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