Whenever I encounter this quote, it seems to me that it might have been phrased by me and instantly I realize that it is my situation which makes me think like that.

It has been 'just' nine years now, since I have been living alone and away from my home and loved ones but most of the times I suffer as if I have been deprived of that love and care of my dear ones all along my whole life. That is what the feeling of loneliness is capable of doing to you when your dwell far away from your motherland.

All our free-time will be occupied by the memories of the unforgettable life around our sweet home. Those who have enriched their lives with their kids will really find innumerable incidents of joy and pleasure. In between the moments when we had to refuse them their tiny joys also will haunt us forcing us to regret about such instances.

Fortunately, this self-imposed exile offers a few other opportunities too. We can save time to enjoy reading our favorite authors and watching a few famous movies. It is also a good idea to begin learning something new. This will also help us to get a relief from the loneliness which will otherwise really take a toll on your life.

Whatever you do, the time which pulls you most will be the daily conversation we have with our sweet hearts that we look forward to during the entire activities in a day. and during the weekends this becomes the main item of entertainment and engagement.

The modern media of communications have made it easier to mingle with our family and friends. Still, the messages like this one will stick around us more than the hours-long phone calls and video chats. The difference may be the impact of a visual effect those messages leave on our mind.

As we travel abroad we get to know different people, life-styles and cultures. We adapt to international professionalism and this will be a valuable asset we will be gathering by the sacrifices we make all through the years.

Nothing comes for free. Still, those who move far away from homes, it seems- have to pay much more, even though sometimes their sojourn will bring more financial benefits for all those concerned.

For many such people, the annual leave or the half -yearly one for the luckier ones, is the time when their dreams come true. And the days leading to such a reunion is more exciting than the real meeting. The preparation for that moment begins weeks ahead and it is really worth waiting for.

And when after the short vacation they prepare to leave again, it is just the opposite and most feel that they have become guests at their own homes and now they must leave.

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