.Well, as you can see I am mostly a science person, with zero actual accomplishments. (But interesting possibilities.)
So, here is an other interesting story.
Years ago, there was a Russian academician who was hoping to generate "gravitational waves" by vibrating a gyroscope on its axis of rotation. He did not get very far.
Meanwhile, in America, people were playing with "vortex tubes".
Modern vortex tubes can separate compressed air into hot and cols air streams 200+ and -50 degrees Fahrenheit.
But old vortex tubes had a different design...
The hot and cold sides were separated by a membrane, with a hole in the middle.
This design created a hydraulic analogue of a gyroscope, while the vibrating membrane provided an analogue of the gyroscope being vibrated on its axix of rotation.
Then (as now) I had no resources, but I found a spray painter compressed air generator.
It was so low power, that no temperature separation was obtained.
But, the iron pipe that was to produce temperature differences would deflect a compass needle in a sinusoidal manner as it was moved along the pipe.
But just like standing waves in a transverse flute, the periodicy was interesting.
(I did not check the pipe when it was idle.)
I did not (could not) check if the device would "magnetize gold" or if it could interact with a similar device, separated by some distance.
So, I have almost no new science related posts left.

Meanwhile, almost anything that I might be interested in (to include potential Ducascopy favorites) seem to be out of reach...
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