i know well that girls like to have a relationship with bachelors who know how to get your attention, how to stole your heart, how to create devotion, to become important, but sometimes they can brake your heart and there is no matter what kind of people you are, how good was your attitude to him and what kind of word make you fall deep in love with him. As we know women love by their ears....
But stop....
Maybe the guy near you who can be sometimes such silly and such obnoxious, but at the same time looks at you under his eyes and become shy when you talk to him and who is never lavish his words will become more devoted, more loving and will do his best in order to see your smile every day, every mornig, who will give his everything in order to look at your eyes every single moment.....
Dear women pls be smart when choosing your heart's second part....Be able to penetrate deeper when just simple word which have no value if they are not true:-)
Just love and be loved....
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