Hello there Dears))))))
How was your Monday? Good?
In continuation to my previous blog and today's webinar I would like to tell you a bit more about ways to train your brains, improve memory and develop concentration.

  1. Do only one action until you finished it. It is amazing to have a skill to do 35 actions simultaneously but it makes the person to be totally unconcentratde. To get a habit to stay concentrated all the time you have to start from the only one action. F.i. While you writing a blog no instagram))))
  2. Let your brains to rest. We all know that any muscles have to recover after training and our brains are not an exception. It means that you have to spend some time during the week without any mental activity. You can watch funny TV Show or clean your wardrobe.
  3. Try to absorb less information daily. You have to simply avoid spam and trash info which is not concerning to you at all.
  4. For memory improving you have learn how to memorize. Learn your telephone number and number of the closest people. Try to stop to do "to do list" or "shopping list". At least try to make it step by step.
  5. If you have a problem to remember names (as I do:shock there is one technique for you : When you meet a new person and he/she introduce himself/herself you have to repeat the name aloud and after when you saying bye repeat it again)) One problem less) LOL
  6. Have you ever heard that people spend one year of their lives for looking for their things? I'm sure you know this phrase: "Have you seen by the chance where did I put my car keys??? I just holded it in my hands a moment ago . ." And then you are looking for these keys for another half of hour! Terrible, NO? To avoid this situation in your live just imagine that place where you put your stuff just exploded straight away! Like BOOM!! After you will not forget that place))
  7. To boost the work of your cerebra you have to do cardio workout as it stimulate better blood circulation in your body which is necessary for your brains
  8. Switch off the automatic mode in all fields of your life. You have to do everything consciously even brush your teeth.
  9. Learn foreign languages! This is the best way to train your cerebra. New words, different way of speaking. Even if you know few phrases it will work a lot for you.
You see there is nothing complicated, just you have to pay more attention to your way of life and involve some more new habits!
Good luck and take care of yourself!

J. xoxo
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