Good Evening Community!
There is a continuation of my previous blog))

  1. learn the technique of dynamic reading
  2. define your own technique of learning something new
  3. learn the method of defining the week day for any date
  4. try to estimate the period of time by feelings
  5. do an approximate calculation of everything
  6. start to love mathematics (everything about numbers and calculations)
  7. try always memorize everything
  8. learn the system of creative thinking
  9. even sex can help here a lot!)))
  10. memorize names of people around
  11. do meditations. Learn how to concentrate your attention and total absence of thoughts in your head
  12. watch different movies
  13. try to avoid to watch TV too much
  14. learn how to concentrate yourself on one subject
  15. stay in contact with nature
  16. solve small mathematic's tasks in your thoughts
  17. never be in hurry
  18. change your usual speed of doing different activities
  19. try to do only one task not twenty in one time
  20. develop your curiosity
  21. try on another personality from time to time
  22. cultivate contemplative attitude to our world
  23. find time daily to stay on your own
  24. be ready to learn something new during all your life
  25. travel a lot
  26. learn genius people
  27. create a circle of good and close friends around
  28. stay among competitors
  29. communicate with people with opposite life views
  30. do a brain storming
  31. always change the future planning methods
  32. go deep into a problem. The main task is to find a root
  33. make a collection of best quotes of the genius people
  34. change the way of communication (text message for voice message)
  35. read classic literature
  36. improve the skills of reading
  37. make the general summary of the books u red
  38. develop self-consciousness
  39. talk about your problems
  40. describe all your feelings about everything in details
  41. always count floors when you are in lift
  42. learn modern art to provoke different thoughts and feelings
  43. mix your feelings
  44. debate!
  45. define the time for doing your tasks and follow your schedule
  46. leave the time daily for your brains development
  47. create in your mind invisible best place ever
  48. challenge yourself a lot!
  49. develop the skills of visualization
  50. write down your dreams every morning
  51. learn how to see perceived dreams
  52. create your own vocabulary of new words
  53. create your own words
  54. create a metaphors
  55. learn how to manage your stress
  56. learn the method of accepting occasional information
  57. do forex!))))))))))))
As you can see it is not really easy but possible if work hard. Hoverer, if you want to get success in our crazy world you have to be mutisides developed. So, Good luck in your developing!
Cheers. J. xoxo
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