I have spent enough time reading through psychological books about many things... This is more of an article, less a blog post.
I will not make a video of myself drawing bunnies, dolphins or angels on my body. Sorry, not this time :P

In my thinking of this topic, several things are emerging - the origins, psychological view of identity through ages, and my personal experience.
First - would you vote for this guy? He was a president candidate in Check Republic, a university professor. Why not? He would look so cool next to the pale Putin and Obama.

And for the second woman? Why not, she's probably smart :P

The origins of this specific body 'decoration', both tattoos and piercings are tribal. They date back to more primitive times. Decorating your body with bones pierced through your nose and burning skin with indenting color for a permanent effect. Their purpose was to differ you socially, make more appealing or mark belonging to a certain group.

This first picture is one of those you have probably seen - long neck people? No. The rings are added through the years around their necks, the neck stretches and you get a more beautiful woman. Really?
Of course, one tiny catch - if the woman is caught in infidelity, her 'necklace' is taken off as a punishment. Because her neck breaks instantly.

Other ritual 'decorations' are also known - the very least you have is the red dot on your forehead in India. Also a 'mark'.

Psychological view concerns identity issues. I am average, look at me!!!!!

In our levels of identification, psychology recognizes the first level at the age of 4. When they ask you ''What are you?'', the first answer is 'boy' or 'girl'. The first time you see difference between people is then.
After that, you become the one who belongs to a certain school, nation, religion, profession, you become a mother, father... You get many layers of identity.
So what makes you pierce a hole in you nose and put some permanent ink on your body so everyone can see it?

I say identity issues. I wanted to have tattoos and piercings when I was a teenager. Because I wanted to be different. Of course. That's a time of low self esteem, fighting to get some attention in your target groups, and you want to be different.

Later came and idea off having an angel somewhere, then a dolphin. When I was thinking of the place to put it, I realized I would hide it.
For whom? So I can be the one who can see it? Or my significant one? What for? So that person or me can see how ......... I am? Then I realized, there is no point.

There have been recent displays of people with more than 90% of their skin covered in tattoos.
It also includes the inside of their mouth!!!!

I have a scar of trying to pierce my ear by myself in these teenage days.
My friends told me it was easy and I tried. I got a 2 hour lecture from my parents. I was a good child, with good grades, and they wondered why I needed more to be different.

I already have my ears pierced and I wear small earrings as any other girl. Still, this is something accepted by the society, women with jewelry. I don't try to fit in the average or blend in, simply more earrings are available if you have your ears pierced.

Right now, I see tattoos as a cry of people looking for attention. When I saw a colleague having one of those disgusting tribals on her back, emerging from her underwear, I realized it is so stupid. She's a beautiful girl, yet boring. So she gave herself an exotic asset to be more appealing.
Great, I can't wait to see her grandchildren looking at her 60 year old back and butt.

Last year when I moved to another city, 60% of people had tattoos. I wondered if there was some discount there. Then you realize you are different because you don't have one. The city is slow, boring and not many things are happening. People are poor, yet waste money on body mutilation. Then I started to see them as a primitive tribe. Poor mind as well as pockets.

To conclude, tattoos are a primitive display of showing your belonging. If you don't have anything special to show, be my guest.
Torture your body anyway you want, it will not change your personality. And it remains forever.

This guy is sexy today, but I don't see much of his personal qualities.... for the future. All I see is fashion with consequences.
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