As Donald Trump once said that without passion you don’t have energy, without energy you have nothing”
There is no use to push or force yourself and start with jogging or visiting the gym every day. Sure it can last for some weeks or even more but if you don’t enjoy this you will probably give up soon.

We all know about the rule of 21 days. A new habit can be formed in 21 days. But each pass brings back us again to the first day. If you want to get a new habit, I need to let it into your life. But be honest with yourself and find a realy interesting choose an interesting and exiting sport for you, which you don’t want to miss. If you want to lose some kgs or to gain up don’t torture yourself on running tracks for hours or working on weight lifting equipment.

Find out what you can do for a long time without loosing an interest, Try everything. It betteres to find 20 minut a day for your favorite exercise than force yourself to go to the gym. It can be an outdoor workout, an intensive gymnastics or your own choreography. You can find out so many sport variations. I like cardio, it’s maybe everything I do in the gym after some warming up, but I try to mix the cardio training with something diversified/ different.

I do from time to time cardio boxing. Cardio Boxing uses boxing moves to provide an aerobic workout. A lot of us like jogging because it gives us control about how many calories we expend. I guess you also promise yourself before starting running or a track “ Today I need to run …. 6…8 km or burn 500-600“

How many times during the running you look at the indicator board? While cardio boxing you don’t have such a possibility to control burning calories, but it brings you so much fun: - hard you exert yourself influences the number of calories burned - Cardio boxing does not teach how to box and does not involve fighting. - Instructors use their own moves and unique choreography.

As a girl i try to cheer up myself with new workout clothes of my own fashion brand and my favourite playlist with. Nice clothes almost always work good for both good mood and motivation.

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