Sincerely it was one of the busiest and craziest summers of my life!
Why it have been the busiest? Because I have a 1 year old baby who started to run while summer was starting! Any person can imagine that a crazy little monkey which runs from one side to another is not the best opportunity to have a relaxing summer, but it is the opportunity to have the funniest one! Moreover it is a good fisical training, (always see the positive side!)
Why the craziest? Because I can't figure out how I could manage to take the best from this summer, go to internship from the university, meet multicultural people over the world and most importan be 100% there for my little monkey! My friends who I didn't saw for 2 years came to Barcelona (where my baby boy and me live) and everyday was different, full of excitement and everyday learning and growing as humans beings thanks to the different and interesting people that we met!
So i can put you 15 cautiously selected words which will describe this summer: universal, multicultural, pink (I started to be obsessed with pink color), dancing (every day was a party), funny, exercise, bumpy (because the little boy still not master the art of balance while running), salty, wavy, hot, extreme (because of the stairs everywhere, no, I didn't jumped with parashoot yet), motivating, uncommon, lovely (there was much love), inspiring.
In conclusion, yes, I can say it was one of the fullest and best summers till my 20 years.
Thank you for reading!