QUESTION 8: - "What is the basic emphasis in the study of the method of volume analysis of the market?"

ANSWER 8: - "The main attention you need to pay to a concept of balance and imbalance in the context of a price, time, speed and volume.

Necessarily use statistic data in determining the quantitative value of volumes, wave impulses and their ranges in historical past!"

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(If you have questions, comments, write, reply thoroughly!)

Sincerely yours, Traders Kazakhstan team "Powerful Traders"

ANSWER 8: - "The main attention you need to pay to a concept of balance and imbalance in the context of a price, time, speed and volume.

Necessarily use statistic data in determining the quantitative value of volumes, wave impulses and their ranges in historical past!"

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(If you have questions, comments, write, reply thoroughly!)

Sincerely yours, Traders Kazakhstan team "Powerful Traders"