Today i had a discussion with guys from my course about "fake" nails, hair etc. that nowadays girls use in everyday life. opinions was completely different and it somehow shocked me.

On the on hand they told me that if woman/girl use too much "fake" stuff - nails, hair, eyelashes and tonnes of makeup it looks awful. I agreed with them, but asked if they may accept only few of them. Still they stated that girls must be fresh and shouldn't use even a makeup. Okey, I understand that they are thinking that girls use makeup due to the fact that they are ugly and try somehow hide it. Honestly, generally we are doing such things only because of the guys! We want you to see better parts of our body/face, that's why we use makeup and other stuff. Girls know that guys like girls with long hair, that's why we try to have as long hair as it possible.
Other guys told that they prefer girls to have makeup and fake nails, because it is so girlish and even cute. They don't blame girls because they want to be beautiful all the time. I think that their opinion and arguments are important, because they will support their girlfriends and future wifes.
I have some example from the real life. My sister is married for several years and her husband always tells her not to "wear" makeup, because even without it she is beautiful. One morning she woke up, made him breakfast as usually. He ate and thanked her. Then she went in the bathroom, use lipstick and some other magic things. When she came out, he immediately told her that she is very beautiful!!
Conclusion - if guys is telling that he prefers girls not to wear makeup - he is lying!
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