Everyday tips :
tip 1 If you have promised to call back - be sure to call back.
tip 2 Going to be late? Find a way to warn about this
tip 3 Don't laugh at other people's dreams.
tip 4 how to deal with strong cough, recipe : at 1 liter of water 1 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 3 drops of eucalyptus,1 tablet from allergies, in boiling water, place these ingredients, boil for 2 minutes, then breathe over steam for 5 minutes every 1 day, effectively relieves cough
tip 5 What is the meaning of my life? Ask this question to myself in the morning, only waking, ask this question to myself in the evening. This simple practice will return you the connectedness with himself and with all that is really important to you!
tip 6 Bring benefit to himself and people. Every day you need to answer 2 questions: What benefits I brought for yourself? What benefits I brought to people? And then your life will be fulfilled and satisfying.
tip 7 Than take revenge on his enemies? Seek to do him more good.
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