And how about being childish a bit? How many of you have fallen in love with the Little Prince?
The first time I saw it, I was 7 years old. The picture that stayed in my mind - the hat, or the snake that ate an elephant. It shows how different point of view we may all have. Then I read it numerous times, and then I read it in French, which was a whole new experience.
Still,this is a book that calls me every once in a while to read it. And I always see it differently. Something new. No matter what, it remains my little piece of inocent mind in childhood.
I will not say how it influenced me. Because we all see it differently, and our perception changes as the time goes by... that little prince is an eternal character, my inner child I wish stays forever.
Silly me - that childish creature who wrote this masterpice is a french pilot whose name was Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
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