The first person who managed to earn a billion dollars, was Jоhn D. Rockеfeller, the founder of the company "Stаndard Oіl". If you compare a billion of that time with a billion nowadays, the difference would not be comparable. One billion at that time equals 300 billion today.
Jоhn fortunate when he opened a small business of oil production in 1870. The company, established as not important, suddenly 20 years later gave a profit of 10 millions, and in 1901 Rоckefeller already had 200 millions, and soon became the first billionaire. His money was not crystal clear, but who would have thought that a simple manager can earn so much money, seemingly out of nothing. Rоckefeller fulfilled his dream to make a billion dollars. But he could not fulfill his second dream - to live up to 100 years. He lacked only two years.

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