Brief translation of the text . Good evening. My name is Natalia. - Hello, introduce yourself, please .- Hello, my name is Mikhail." Today we talk about business. What do you think about the business ?- Business is money. Business training is also money. There's nothing wrong there. Money is a value. How to bring this value to a consciousness of the people ? People are offered a lot of unnecessary information . At the seminar on business can talk about anything,not only about business. The consequences of such a number of unnecessary information ? - People do not understand how to do business. An attempt to create a business is reduced to zero. It is obvious that the person is missing required information.
In the end, what is a business ? And here begin the differences. For one business is a struggle for survival, for another business is a tool to achieve the objectives, for the third business is a dream that. For everyone differently. Thank you for the interview. Good Luck To You. All The Best. Good-bye.

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