Story 1.
Once upon a time in faraway Kingdom one Prince got married with a beautiful Princess and they made a baby.
When the baby was born the Prince left his Princess!!! Because he said the child was born ugly.
At first he thought she was not faithful... But then the wife confessed: she have made many plastic operations and spent around 100 000$ for all of them. He blamed her that she concealed the fact of operations...
So unfortunatelly even after the great number of operations your children would still look like the previous version of you...
It's a real story..but it happened just recently, in China.

Anyway. If you really have a problem and can't live without solving it - you should make an operation!
If every day you don't like someting of you and can't even go outside.. can't sleep thinking of it... Some people say that you should just change your opinion about something. But psychologists won't help you if you a have a big nose or ears or whatever. Or some deffects.
Yes, all the people are not perfect and sometimes it's charming. So everyone decide for themself what the beauty is. We all have our own ideals and trying to come closer...
And everyone decide to risk or not to risk!

Its a trend to be natural now
Even if you want to make an operation - try to stay natural, that's my opinion.
Artificial big lips is the worst thing I don't like... All the rest I don't care - if the person is ok with that - I'm fine also

"Чем бы дитя не тешилось, лишь бы не вешалось"
I can't translate it cos all the meaning will disappear. Russians would understand

Story 2.
Now you can make an operation and change your eye colour from brown to the blue one!
I was searching for new lences (I have a bad eyesight) and accidentally found out this interesting fact. It costs 5000$ (so some of winners on dukascopy can have it! kidding. )
Just few years ago one american surgeon is practising such operations and it takes just 20 seconds as he claims. Then you wait few weeks for the result and you are not able to have brown eyes again.
As he says it's safety but some people are not sure...Not sure I am.

That's what I call the stupid operation! To risk with the most important place of our body - eyes!!! 80% of information we get from eyesight!
Just to become a blue-eyed? From brown?

Anyway, I don't care - I have blue eyes
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