ArTStAu is an Aroon Trading Strategy. The fundamental idea of the strategy is that Aroon is used as a signal for openning positions. However, the position side openned is the inverse of the suggested by Aroon signal. If Aroon Up at 100 suggests open Buy position, the strategy will open Sell position side. If Aroon Down at 100 suggests open Sell position, the strategy will open Buy position side. A counter is used for control the period adopted for the strategy. It used period of 10 seconds candles. A total of 360 candles of 10 seconds corresponds to 1h. This 1h period and Aroon 48 period are used to determine and control buy or sell positons. If Aroon Down is 100 in 48 period, a buy position is opened and existing sell position is stopped. If Aroon Up is 100 in 48 period, a sell positon is opened and existing buy position is stopped. For each 100 (Aroon Up or Down), the equity is tested, if the equity is below the Initial Equity, the position is closed and a new position is openned with an increment of 1.7 times of the last lot amount. This process is repeated until Aroon 100 test is associated to Equity above Initial Equity.
Detailed explanation for the strategy:
Aroon Down 100 signaled for Open first Buy position and initiated the strategy with initial lot (0,01 amount). Every new green triangle below candle indicates a 1,7 increment of the last lot. Buy Mode Period is also initiated and last until Aroon Up 100 signal for Close last Buy position. Final Equity finished above Initial Equity.
Aroon Up 100 signaled for Open first Sell position and initiated the strategy with initial lot (0,01 amount). Every new red triangle above candle indicates a 1,7 increment of the last lot. Sell Mode Period is also initiated and last until Aroon Down 100 signal for Close last Sell position. Final Equity finished above Initial Equity. Buy Mode period alternates with Sell Mode period until the finishing of the Strategy Month.

Detail of the transition from Buy Mode Period to Sell Mode Period.

Detail of the transition from Sell Mode Period to Buy Mode Period.
Detailed explanation for the strategy:

Aroon Down 100 signaled for Open first Buy position and initiated the strategy with initial lot (0,01 amount). Every new green triangle below candle indicates a 1,7 increment of the last lot. Buy Mode Period is also initiated and last until Aroon Up 100 signal for Close last Buy position. Final Equity finished above Initial Equity.

Aroon Up 100 signaled for Open first Sell position and initiated the strategy with initial lot (0,01 amount). Every new red triangle above candle indicates a 1,7 increment of the last lot. Sell Mode Period is also initiated and last until Aroon Down 100 signal for Close last Sell position. Final Equity finished above Initial Equity. Buy Mode period alternates with Sell Mode period until the finishing of the Strategy Month.

Detail of the transition from Buy Mode Period to Sell Mode Period.

Detail of the transition from Sell Mode Period to Buy Mode Period.