November Stats for Fat Catz Rewards Program
As I wrote in a previous blog, in order to qualify for a reward, your balance should be at least 10,000 Duk + Today, the commission for payments in euros is 931.55 euros, but before the end of the month this amount will increase and be divided between 6 people in accordance with their current balance.
In general, on accounts of customers who are eligible to participate in the Fat Catz program 100608.1134 duk + The income for 1 dukascoin coin is 0.01euro
Past month (October), profit was 4228.62 euros, which was 43.78% For the second month in a row, 6 participants receive a reward from the bank. In September there were 7 bank customers who received profit from the fact that there was simply a sufficient amount on the account.
As for me, this is an excellent passive income that works for you.