At the moment this is my handbag I love little things that take not to much space and which easy to carry As can be saw on the photo I carry with me always a mobile phone, purse, lipstick, pen, paper, lighter, a comb and a mirror 2in1, and little bottle of favorite fragrance

Mobile phone: because I need to be in touch any time
Purse: Money Money Money without them not funny :P
Lipstick: so lips have always been moisturized :3
Pen and paper: Do not know at what point you need to write something important :P
Lighter: I do not smoke! But in my everyday adventures is moments when I need a little light
A comb and mirror: Must have every women :P And it also must be on a desert island Who knows where can we be tomorrow? )
Fragrance: I'm in love with this little fellow
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