I just want to give several tips on how to negotiate with Russians.

Fortunately, I have nice experience of participating in international negotiations while being the part of bilateral negotiations and international conferences. So, I have tried to understand cultural differences of different nations and how to act with them. However, as it was highlighted by Maryam Bigdeli we should to find similarities and common ground in order to facilitate upcoming negotiation process. We are humanbeings and have a lot of things in common not regarding to our racial or national, or religious diffrences.
Today, I would like to stop on Russian style of negotiation as Russian businessmen are seemed to be the most difficult counterparts in the world. Russians are the mixture of Western, Asian and their own unique features.
1. Russians don’t like to risk while negotiating
2. the popular negotiating tactic of Russians is overestimation of their requirements. During the negotiation process they could make little concessions but still compromise is regarded as weakness
3. Belonging to collectivistic culture, Russians like to work in team and have strong bonds between team members. Moreover, the structure of the team is hierarchical.
4. Russians could easile change their mood and attitude from warm-hearted and friendly to cold-blooded and formal
5. Russia is high-contextual country, so indirect speech is widely used
6. Russians like to establish friendship before signing a contract!
It is not the full list of Russian features, so if you have any thoughts or questions I will be happy to discuss them.
Have a nice day!
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