Everyone thinks that his life is the scene that must be shown as a film. And I do believe that one day I could write a book about my life.
I was born in 1989 in Erevan, Armenian SSR. Everything could have been another unless USSR had been collapsed. So, after this dramatic event the destiny of my family was drastically changed. We fled from our native country and came to Russia where became the part of Russian society. Russia gave us everything that we need to have. Me and my sisters have had brilliant education, place of work, big and comfortable house and the hope for beautiful future.
I graduated University with distinction. My faculty was happy to see me as the part of its friendly team. So, I started my career as an employee of International Cooperation Office. My job is full of challenges, I should be aware of internastional political and economic situation, know about Bologna process in educational sphere, use all aspects of cross-cultural communication and be ready to negotiate on international level. It is an exciting thing to meet with people from different countries and to enrich myself with new knowledge of their cultures, menatality, political and economic system of their countries. But in order to be good at cross-cultural communication one has know its own culture. So I started to learn all aspects of Russian culture.My results were tremendous and nowadays I am teaching Russian traditions to our incomming students.
I have a lot of plans and aims. I do not want to stop on things I have reached, I would like to be usefull for my countries and the whole world. I am happy that I have a lot of energy and stamina to fulfill my plans with God Bless.
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