Movie night. Time of relaxation, favorite time of the day. Masks falls down, other comes on our faces,
Which face is your favorite mask? What kind of movie do you prefer? Me? I am oldfashioned movie lover.
In your favorite movie, you could find many hiden answers that you looking for. For example you are on
big crossroad in your life, where to go ,should you stay or you should go? The answer is quite simplier that you
think, no mather how hard is look like .Go where you can find your own peace, and place for your own creation
of living.You have some doubts about some person, and they not having time for you, just look what others do to see someone in some parts of the romantic old fashioned movie. There is no excuse for no time, there is no excuse for word-no.
You know you are good person, good friend, and you not deserve small portion of no intention, half time, you are not half person,just remember that. I always find all answers i want in cinematography, this kind of art is very saint to me. As an artist, movie and painting can't go separate. I find inspiration in movies for my paintings, A lot of emotions , energy, tears ,and happiness i just find everything in one black and white movie. my favorite movie is "Niagara" with main actress Marilyn Monroe. I always go very far from this time ,from this era just a little bit, to catch that spirit of glamour and good taste of fashion.