I am a good girl when I wish a neighbor a nice day, I am a bad girl when I arrive late to a meeting, I am fantastic when I drive a friend to the dentist's, I am terrible when I eat ice-cream all day long, I am the very best when I donate to a charity and I am the absolute worst when I scream at somebody in traffic... None of that defines me though... I can't reduce myself to a one-word label - I am every good and every bad on the spectrum of human personality) Which me I choose to be depends on my inner truth at the moment, on the surrounding circumstances, on other people involved... I rebel against any unnecessary restrictions and bigotry while I savor the freedom of unlimited self-expression. Speaking of freedom... I do understand that my freedom ends where someone else's freedom begins. Social contract is a two-way street and I don't expect people to give me sunshine&peaches if I don't treat them accordingly...
Still, this is a really complicated controversial issue! On one hand, you can't make history playing by the rules, you have to constantly challenge the established standards in order to move forward and grow. On the other hand, rules exist for a reason and they only work if they are effectively enforced; if everybody suddenly starts making history and nobody plays by the rules anymore, we will all quickly spiral out of control into chaos. So how not to ruin the balance that is actually holding everything in place? Where do you draw that line which is never to be crossed? ...I don't know! I just know what works for me. I am my own judge. If what I do or say makes me feel energized, inspired and... good - then I'm on the right path; if my words or actions leave me feeling miserable, full of regrets and with a guilty conscience - then my morals must have been compromised, therefore I need to go back and fix it. It's not as simple as it sounds... such is life)
Being your own judge is tough... but as long as I know that I've ultimately done all I could, as long as I stay true to myself, it doesn't matter if I'm good or bad... I'm me.

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