Ooh la la, seduction secrets! Yes, please...
...a long alluring stare to command his attention... a subtle touch, entirely 'unintentional', to peak his interest... a drop of perfume to awaken his senses... a few stealthy glances to test his patience... a charming nonsense to win his heart... not necessarily these steps and not necessarily in this order... you get the idea though - the ingredients may vary, but every woman knows how to cook her love potion. And while he thinks that he is hunting you, you know that the trap is already closed, because you are the hunter here!
However! Even perfect strategies aren't flawless and those sure tricks (that worked like magic in your favor a thousand times before) might totally backfire. I know what I'm talking about... trust me...
The expectation in my head was: I do a beautiful hair flick, he comes up to me and runs his fingers through my hair, we live happily ever after; the reality was: I do a messy hair flick, my hair ends up in the drink of somebody next to me at the bar, I apologize, buy that person a new drink and sit at the bar with dripping wet hair.
Another expectation was: I walk in slow motion down the street, the snowflakes are softly landing on my eyelashes, he drops to one knee in front of me, we live happily ever after; the reality: I walk like a wounded animal because it's extremely slippery, the snow made my mascara run down my face and into my eyes, I can barely see and crash into a tree, I fall on my back and more snowflakes land into my aching eyes.
Last one, I promise! Expectation: I come up to him and whisper in his ear 'I'm not wearing underwear...', before he reacts I add 'None at all...', I start to walk away, he stops me, confesses his undying love, we live happily ever after; reality: I come up to him and bump my head into his nose, forget my opening line, say 'None at all...', start walking away, remember my line, come back, realize it is too late to say it, start walking away once again, nobody stops me... at least I'm warm and comfy, because I actually lied - of course I'm wearing underwear... all of it!
You know what... I love my failures! I love my mistakes! Those are all precious experiences which combined with my feminine charms (+ a bit of luck) will one day get me my 'happily ever after'!

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