“Be attractive mentally”. It is my life motto.

I am a foreign language teacher. I like my activity so much. I am very much into communicating with people while teaching them. But first of all, I am not only a person who delivers high quality knowledge. I am a motivator mainly, a person who inspires and encourages.
I inspire not only my students but also my friends, family members, sometimes even strangers.
A year ago I wrote a book, a modern novel it is. There are some life pieces of advice in it. I am happy to know that I managed to help at least a few people through it.

So I try to make this idea an attractive one for all people around me. Talking about mental attractivenss I do not mean some encyclopedic knowledge or knowledge from the sphere of exact sciences. No. The main idea here is person's willingness to develop himself or herself. To be a pleasant interlocutor, a person who is able to maintain some small talk in a polite way, who behaves decently in different societies.
It is not a problem to develop your own mental attractiveness every day with the help of the right books, watching useful programmes, communicating with right people. And you will see positive changes both in your professional and private life.
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