Hello, community!) I was standing today in a big line inside the post office. Well decided to tell you about a "Live que/line". The sequence of people is waiting for something (such as the ability to make a purchase in the store, providing a place where to live, etc.). There are different types of queuing from really standing on the feet people to a sequence of names writing down in the computer. The lines for scarce goods were typical of Soviet life. Also appeared a service of standing in the line. People standing in line, often for money, instead of the other person called tramitadory. In Russia, it is often when old people earn in this way. The thing is that people are highly prone to a sense of community. So, if someone is standing, then "I, you, he, she along the whole country» should join. Indeed, millions of flies can not be wrong, probably there is some sensible right offer (sell, "thrown"). And the answer to the question "what for, in fact, am I standing?" Often the aswer comes not at once. And when it comes, you became much closer and it becomes insulting, because you stood for so long, you decide that you must take something. At the same time, the goods did not necessarily have to be deficient or rare.

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