This topic is very interesting and useful, because nowadays it is vital to behave is an appropriate way during such events.

  • First of all, you need to feel comfortable, that's why YOU MUST WEAR APPROPRIATE DRESS AND SHOES! Do not try to wear very high heels or super sexy and tight dress. The only thoughts and wishes would be "I want to get out of here, take all this stuff away and wear smth comfortable". Soooo, you should not only act polite, but also have "polite"appearance.
  • You should be calm. Of course not like person who uses drugs or relaxants. Just try not to be attention wh**e.
  • Speak with people politely and respectfully. But don't suck up, it may lead to bad impression.
  • SMILE!! Seriously, it break the ice immediately! But please, do not try to smile like this, it will ruin all the good impression.

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