Hey! Nice task, as usual! I could tell you about my new two sweaters, which I just bought. By the way, I like them and the price was unexpectedly good for Moscow, because usually it is so hard for me to find good clothes in my town - too ugly, too expensive or there is no my size or all of these points at the same time!) That's why usually I buy or order clothes, shoes and bags from USA or Europe. But what I wanted to tell you is that I bought new skates. It isn't a simple process, if you think so. First of all, I need to find a good skating shoes. There are a lot of white shoes, but I wanted beige ones. Well, I visited 4 different figure skating stores, before I found them. I bought italian "Risport Royal" skates. Actually, it is usually a huge stress for a figure skater to change his/her skates, because you will need to break it in and feel much pain in your feet, before it bacome ok, because skating shoes are very tough inside. Next step is blades. There are too many different styles and brands of skating blades, but best of the best are "Gold Seal" by english company John Wilson. Many Olimpic champions choose these blades and I totally agree with them! So I bought them, of course! Total prise of professional skating shoes and blades is about $620. Than I need to find a good master who will join it together and it is also a very important part, because if the master made a mistake, than you can't skate good. The final step is to sharpen blades, because it's impossibe to skate good too, when blades aren't sharp enough. The good thing is that such a skates will serve not less than 6-7 years with a good and gentle care and I'm so happy that I found my new skates and now can flit on the ice with new power and full of positive emotions!