I have already paid attention to the fact that the less you try to look perfect the more compliments and attention you get during the evening. It turns out a paradox!

There are days when you look like a goddess: a beautiful dress, with perfect styling, makeup and nail polish but men look on you only from a distance, and do not dare to come in. Such things happen to me very often. But when you decide to go for a walk or to drop into the nearest supermarket in old sneakers to buy something necessary, you can be sure that such walk will turn out an adventure or an interesting meeting. At first, I did not understand how to behave and I was embarrassed but now it amused and entertained me. So now when I go to a cafe with my friends, I spend less than half an hour in front of the mirror and when I go to the supermarket I put on my best skinny-jeans.

And I want to share a couple of funny stories - for one of my birthdays I decided to bake a cake, I went to the supermarket for flour and met a prince and fell in love immediately! It seemed that this meeting could be fatal for both of us, if not for my childishness and levity age. And recently, another supermarket I was choosing dishwashing liquid and a nice guy came to me and offered his help, of course, dishwashing liquid was only a pretext!

I can say that such unexpected meetings are my favorite, they give me a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Well, shopping outings is my favorite hobby!

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