Hey Community!
Most of us a working out regularly and I wonder which kind of sport do you prefer? Despite on a kind of sport you do, did you know that that the most amazing way to do it is open air? If you have opportunity to make it, do it! You will have faster and better results as for body as for health as well. Why?

  • You are not under air conditioner
  • You breath fresh air with no bacterias around
  • You improve your stamina
  • Whatever you do you burn twice more calories than in gym
  • You fulfill your blood and muscles with oxygen
Lots of benefits, no?
From my own experience open air workouts are much harder than when you do it in premises. To do running session outside is far not the same as using running machine in the gym. But as soon as you get used to it you will get even more benefits from this. As for me I prefer open air sport. What about you?

J. xoxo
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示