
Once I put up the theme, and asked do you know about Bioethics and do you interest to know about it?

""What goes around, comes around" -post.

Did you hear about Bioethics as the program, what it is about?

(i got some answers and I like this from -verindur)

verindur on 3 Oct "If it is about Ethics then I would be knowing it. Of course I am not answering your next question.))

verindur 3 Oct "Bioethics is the study of typically controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine. It is also moral discernment as it relates to medical policy, practice, and research. Thanks to Google. Happy Alexana. )"

Im glad you want to know about it - because it is important for me.

I learned and develop Bioethics program from 2009 untill this days. Wrote a projects about it and organised classes in schools and presentations in Universities.
My aim is to present this program for children and youth.

What does it means?Bioethics - from the Greek. βιός - life and ἠθική -ethics) - the science of the moral side of human activities in relation to the surrounding world

Relations with Society -People-Animals-Nature.
This is a cycle and we are all connected with. If we harm one, that means we damaging the one piece in the chain.

There is the program for

Program for the small classes:
And program for the high school classes: it consists with:

Theoretical part,
Practical part.
Role games,logical games,video materials.

There is a questions I ask in presentation for school teachers:
  • Is there a parallel between the abandoned animals on the street and children from orphan houses?
  • Who is responsible for this?
  • Is it any different to raise social issues from childhood?
  • Would like you to such a possibility was in your childhood?
  • What knowledge connection (you already have which can be relate to bioethics), and where you learn it?

I was glad to hear YES for all this questions. And that teacher were interested and had a wish to learn more about it.

So this is one of things I started many years ago with good persons and developing untill now.
I can say - Bioethics is study for Future.

Have a good day!
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示