Hard Work and again Hard Work - One can only gasp at the fact that entrepreneurs must have new business ideas for new businesses.

To be successesful one must have management skills, leadership and essentially some sort of team builing scheme in one's diary to work together to form a very stable productive company.

An Entrepreneur or for this matter - a people's person can go so much further with their staff and with their innovative ideas than a grumpy old boss demanding to much in a little time - One can only do as much as your clients ability to give not more - Richard Branson

Most entrepreneurs are dependant on social and economic factor - for example we moved to Brazil because the crisis in EU made it harder to live - we were working only to pay our bills and rent. Now we started our own businesses and it is going much better. Why??
1. the ecenomy grew faster than we thought and is still expanding though the Brazilian Real did fall rapidly last weak due to inflation. but still the economy is expanding.

2. There are more middle class people that moved out of poverty since the 1980 and 1990 in last 20 years and the gap of poverty to middle class in narrowing faster with more entrepreneurs in Brazil than ever before.

Countries which have a healthy and diversified labor market and stronger economy safety show a more favorable ratio of opportunity for people to start their own businesses.

Entrepreneurs are risk takers - if you don't take the risk to invest our money you can never make money and get out of the grips of working for someone for the rest of your life - depending on them for money, holidays, pension etc.

We, the Entrepreneurs are creative individuals with creative solutions for problems, finding opportunity for profit.

Long Live The Entrepreneur!!!
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