It is difficult to write about my achievements when I am only 20 years old...

Unfortunately, I did not participate in sports competitions, themed contests or beauty competitions (do you think i am a boring person? ). I went to a general school. Even the math was taught in a shortened version, because I was in a literary class in my school. But without special training or assistance of tutors I was able to enroll to University at the finance faculty, and then passed the final state exams with flying colors.

I also enrolled to the Master degree programme and I will get a scholarship soon… it was quite difficult, because the competition for admission involved about 450 people.

In parallel, I have completed English courses and moved to the next level, also passed the exams with flying colors... so this summer was very complicated for me.

But perhaps my greatest achievement was the experience that I have received. I have learned to cope with the difficulties, to believe in myself and in the fact, that in life everything is possible if you really want it and do a lot of work to achieve your dreams.

Have I finally become an adult?) I think so…

Add a photo from my graduation day at University)

翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示