I like traveling very much.
I-yes! Traveling is one of my favorite activities! On the ground there are so many unusual corners, beautiful places that make you experience terrific emotions, feelings.
The luggage is a necessary process before leaving for vacation, in which two important things are to be considered: nothing has been done and we have to do everything in the suitcase. (I am a professional in this)
First of all, think about what you need to do. If you go to the sea, you will need a swimming suit, a sun-protective cream and a thin garment, while in the mountains you will be more comfortable with dress and warm clothes.
You have to put the luggage as soon as you arrive, do not hesitate to ask yourself a rhetorical question: "What did it mean to me?"
It's not necessary to have a whole wardrobe, but I do not "go and buy" the approach. The amount depends on the duration and goal of the departure.
Mtskheta, Kazbegi, Ushguli, Uplistsikhe, Vardzia, the former Soviet republic outside of the borders of Europe is enormous in Georgia. The mountains of the North Caucasus are stretched, the Black Sea to the west, and the dry deserts in the south. Each of the teens is a big test, emotions, and other motions. And in the last years I've been with friends in Greece it's the most beautiful. Germany (Munich, Berlin) is an amazing sight. Just walking in the street is a pleasure when you are traveling.
Before you finally close and seal the checked, check it out - Does it exceed the permissible weight? If you do more, you will need to revise priorities and recover somethin, I wish you all a nice vacation.
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