My city is Chisinau(Moldova).
My city is considered to be one of the greenest cities in Europe. There are many parks in the city and the trees grow on almost every street(this is what i like the most). In my city are many beautiful places to see (monuments,museums,parks).We have a lot of entertainment places like concert halls,art galleries,cinema,theater,lots of restaurants,bars,casinos,nightclubs and many others. My city is very small and in one day you can visit many places.The best part that you can get is internet,you can find practically all the main streets, because there are lots of internet cafes all over the city,you just need a good phone. One of the most important holiday is the "Wine day". In this day many people around the world are visiting us beacause the wine is an especially powerful symbol for us. We have the Cricova winery that holds the largest collection of wine inthe world. The collection ismade up of 1.5 million bottles of wine. The basic language is romanian and the russian is like the second language that is spoken. I don't have unique places,Ilove all my city. I hope you enjoyed reading about my city.

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