When i think about what makes me happy there are so many things to say, but to not flood you with too much text, I'll write down just 5 of them:

1. First of all, people around me are making me happy. My Family and friends - they make me smile whem I'm sad, encourage me when I need it. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today. All of them have helped me get through stuff that I thought was impossible. I love them a lot.

2. Drawing. I've been drawing since I was little. It had always been making me happy, and sometimes, my drawings have the oportunity to make other people happy as well.

3. Travelling. I have been traveling to lots of places. I love to get out and discover something new. Visiting new, unseen beauties of different countries and unique places nature created all other the planet. Some of them are unbelivable.

4. Music. I love listening to music, because it's a great way to relax and I like the nostalgic way, in which songs remind me about good memories I had while listening to them. Melodies are empowered to brighten a rainy day and to bring the good mood back at you.

5. Animals. Especially little fluffy kittens. They are giving me positive emotions just by looking at me or being around.

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