Zero. That's the total number of red items in my possession.
I never thought about it, yet now that this fact has come to the foreground of my attention, I can't help but wonder - why is it the case?)
I mean, I love red color! Obviously not enough though for it to be represented in my wardrobe... Anyway, after a thorough inspection of what it is that constitutes my closet, looks like I would definitely have a lot to show in the white&black department... or all sorts of stripes... hues of blush/salmon/coral/magenta... and every shade of gray (grey?) imaginable... just not that very red, you know, that fire engine classic kind. Moving on... Maybe amidst my numerous accessories? Yes! A ribbon... oops, sorry, that is packaging... a tiny red something here, an even tinier red something there, but nothing truly red... It's almost as if someone has cleaned out all my reds on purpose! Oh, I know! I must have a red lipstick! It has to be somewhere... No? I can not believe it! What about the nail polish... I found a red pen, does that count? ...probably not... Okay, in my defense I do admit that I've always preferred white wine over red, still the rest is beyond explanation! The closest thing to red is indeed my state of mind right now! Well, I better go replenish my reds then...

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