On the sports scene, my achievements:

  • My cross fit routine consisting of crunches, press-ups, hand-stands.
  • Three sets of 25 sit-ups, which are completely bringing the 6-pack back.

  • The 10,000 steps via a run and fast walk


Today's meals:

  • Breakfast = toast bread and some tea
  • Lunch = White rice and plantain
  • Dinner = some apples and oranges

No fast food visits and no alcohol. Then there is the 4 liters of water I drank today. For today's blog, I have decided to do a small piece on the importance of controlling the consumption of Alcohol. One of my challenges for the Dukascopy Marathon is to abstain from alcohol for 21 days; it is easier for me since my general alcohol consumption has always been low but the same can't be said for others.

There are people who have to take some alcohol with every meal. And there are those who indulge generously during parties or
in bars or restaurants. While alcohol consumption in itself is not wrong, excess consumption is very bad for the human body. The human body digests food, before it is absorbed into the human cells. Unlike food, alcohol goes directly into the bloodstream through our human membranes. The body produces alcohol dehydrogenase, which are enzymes used for alcohol metabolism. These enzymes are not infinite, and the more alcohol is consumed, the less it is metabolized, so much alcohol ends up flowing directly into the blood stream.

From the bloodstream, through the small intestine, most of the alcohol ends up in the human liver. The liver also handles some alcohol metabolism, ideally the liver can metabolize half an ounce of pure alcohol an hour. The high the consumption of alcohol, the less the liver can metabolize; what we have left is a very intoxicated body. Excess Alcohol in the body also reduces the normal performance of the liver leading to diseases like liver cirrhosis.

This alcohol affects the heart muscles, reducing the pressure with which the heart pumps blood.
In summary, excess alcohol is wrong because there is a limit to which the body can metabolize the amount of alcohol in the body.


  • Still resisting social media time to an hour and half, forcing me to make more calls and actual human interactions.
  • Sporting my corporate look and the very punk-ish hair-do.

It was an amazing marathon day!
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