In school times I was constantly a reason for jokes of my classmates. I dislike it as a normal person. But now I understand they brought to me strengh. Thanks to it I got a golden medal, I'm clever and beautiful. Now I'm studying at university, there is very interesting. You are getting adult and you don't see on these stupid jokes, and go ahead. Earlier I wanted to show them that they had made mistakes laughing at me. And now I understand I need to show own strengh and intellect to me and my family members. It needn't to prove something small people, they don't cost it. Also I don't make plans for future, I have some ideas, of course, what I want to learn or do. I would like to create own business. In childhood I dreamed about fashion designer career. My big dream is visiting to France, Paris exactly. It attracts and inspires me. I want to visit other countries. The sea attracts me its depth, purity and sky-blue water. And I have other side. I love winter. It associated as Swiss, mountains, houses near the mountains and others. I want to see the Northen Lights. It's just magic, I think..
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示