Hello All,

Referring to my last few blogs and this one in particular - " JPY vs. GBP - Who will be the Victor?"; we clearly saw Pound stretching it's BULL run once again across all it's pairs. It was once again - GBP the Victor!

My Trades - I made a nice 200+ pips rally combining pairs like JPY and AUD.

I know i made a bit of a mistake by keeping tight stop loss before going to bed. And as a result i got stopped out by ONLY FEW pips (5 pips to be precise- ouch!**) and then the rally continued about 50 pips further... No regrets, as that has been compensated with my learning.

But i DO regret that I could not keep up with BOC rate decision last night. - Perhaps I should not have had those additional pints with my mates (lol...)

I'll be back with some interesting stuff later this afternoon!

Until then, Good Luck Trading!

... Anil.
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