Every of us have our own way in life, our aims, dreams, points of view, opinions. Many of us can look at the same situation different. Even the same picture different people can see different. And it is not bad. It is the life. We all have our own experience in life and guide by it . Everything is relative in life. What is pretty for someone, can be ugly for another. What is the most important for someone, can be not interesting for another. There is no one in the World who didn't make any mistake, there is no one in the World who always is right. It is normal, we all go through the life and learn at every step. It is more important not to repeat the mistakes and have a lesson form its. I respect any opinion (which is not related with a outrage and evil), but I have my own way and my own opinion.

"If you don't care about what people think, you already passed first step of success"

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