Honestly, I read lot of books. Not more than my mum or grandma, but still a lot for my generation.
I have one specific feature - if I like the book that I had read, I am trying to read as much books that were written by that author as I can find. So I read all books written by Paulo Coelho, Several books - Ernest Hemingway; I like how does Haruki Murakami describes people, their actions, their lives, their histories. It's just amazing!!! Also I read a lot of Russian classics.
One book that I was trying to read till the and for 7 times was TheThorn Birds written by Colleen McCullough. Oh God, It was very difficult to read this book. It was interesting, but ... I can't explain the reason.
Of course I read such books as 50 shades of grey, because everyone read it. I was not excited about this book. Too much pervert moments, but still good love story.
And finally, I would like to tell you about my favorite book that is the best of the best!!! It is - Gone with the wind written by Margaret Mitchell. If it could be possible, I would like to meet her, because that story is amazing....... That girl....her destiny.....and the man...oh God....I was crying, I was really crying with the real and huge tears. And now, when I am thinking about that book, I am trying not to cry. This book will stay in my heart forever. 
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